

I am deeply honoured to serve as the Coordinator of Jyoti Protap Gyanmarg Bidyalay. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Jyoti Protap Education Trust for their unwavering commitment to providing high-quality education that empowers our students to become lifelong learners and valuable contributors to society.

At our school, education is not just about filling a child's mind with information. We believe in tailoring our educational approach to meet the unique needs of each student, nurturing their individuality.

Our primary goal is to help every student reach their full potential, and our mission is to provide the platform to make that possible. We achieve this by offering a well-rounded, child-centred, and structured curriculum. Our unwavering focus on student welfare ensures that we celebrate every achievement, big or small, fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.

Our dedicated team of teachers at Jyoti Protap Gyanmarg Bidyalay is composed of highly qualified and experienced educators. They are committed to providing quality instruction and personalized guidance, addressing each child's academic and social needs. I firmly believe that an education system that nurtures a child's imagination is richer and more valuable. Imagination is where new ideas are born, and progress takes shape. As Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge," as it leads to innovation. Our school places a strong emphasis on imaginative and play-based teaching methods, especially in the early stages of education.

The safety of our students is of utmost importance to us, and we have implemented rigorous safety measures. We also actively promote healthy lifestyles and contribute to the sustainability and conservation of our environment.

We recognize that parents are their child's first and most important teachers. Your involvement in your child's education is crucial, and we warmly invite all parents to actively participate in our school community. Get to know the staff, especially your child's teachers, and collaborate with us in the best interest of everyone. We are committed to fostering a strong parent-teacher relationship, a key factor in our students' academic success. My door is always open to discuss any concerns, questions, or ideas you may have regarding your child's education. We welcome you to our exceptional learning community, where excellence is our standard.

We are proud of our school, supported by a dedicated parent community, skilled staff, excellent resources, and, most importantly, our outstanding students. With the continued support of all stakeholders, we aim to elevate our school to even greater heights of excellence.

My commitment to our community is to lead the school with enthusiasm and passion, working collaboratively to achieve our goals. Together, let's make JPGB the best school it can be. We eagerly anticipate your participation in our vibrant learning community. "Let noble thoughts come to us from every side,"

Biju Kumar Sarmah
Co-ordinator, Jyoti Protap Gyanmarg Bidyalay